
Striving for Holiness Together to Renew the Church

What is Wildfire?

A way of life that brings Catholics together to live the universal call to holiness, and renew the Church.

In every age the Church cries out for renewal. It is her saints who answer that call.

The crisis our Church currently faces is grave. No plan or program or strategy is enough—the only solution is radical, personal holiness.

  • The center is a personal encounter with the Lord in prayer. We discover our identity, hear His call, and respond with generosity.
  • That encounter leads to a deep, real, and lasting transformation.
    Christ’s command of charity becomes the source of our unity and compels us to be apostles in the world.
  • Prayer and discernment, spiritual growth, striving for the perfection of charity as apostles in the world.

Wildfire is a concrete means to live our faith and proposes nothing more than the Gospel. At its heart is the teaching of Vatican II: each of us has the same call to be a saint.

The Raging Wildfire

The urgency and seriousness of this moment demands that, to the absolute best of our ability, we fan the flames of personal holiness into the renewal our Church so desperately needs.

Men and women saints have always been the source and origin of renewal in the most difficult circumstances in the Church’s history.

Today we have the greatest need of saints whom we must beg God to raise up. – St. John Paul II

Wildfire Members

Wildfire events, are open to anyone, and members commit to:
1. live Wildfire principles in their own life,
2. regularly participate in a local team,
3. share in one-on-one discipleship,
4. contribute to an active apostolate.

Wildfire Groups – In The Upper Room

Wildfire Groups are a return to the Upper Room where the Lord rekindles a fire in our hearts and radically transforms our lives. They are a community passionately striving for holiness to renew the Church.

Dry Kindling – The Wildfire Approach

Wildfire is already happening. In small group fellowship this flame is passed from one person to another and our parishes can experience a radical renewal through a community centered around transformation in Christ.

Recent Reflections

fan the flames of personal holiness

Big and Little Discernment – Part 1

Big and Little Discernment – Part 1

The goal of discernment is to be able to distinguish God’s will from our own desires or temptations. We do this in order to make choices and live in union with God’s will.

Catholic Culture

Catholic Culture

The personal conversion of individuals deeply influenced Western civilization’s moral and spiritual fabric. It is this transformation that comes through a personal encounter with Jesus Chris which we need to rediscover in today’s secular world.

The Gospel and a Theology of Kitsch

The Gospel and a Theology of Kitsch

Few people have been presented with the fullness of the Gospel. All they know is a tame, domesticated version. The Jesus they know is not demanding or incompatible with their already established hierarchy of values.

The Grinch, Communists, and Baby Jesus

The Grinch, Communists, and Baby Jesus

Every year I turn into the Grinch. “I must stop Christmas from coming…” till the 25th anyway. Advent has been entirely pushed out by holiday celebrations that start even before Thanksgiving leftovers can be put away.

Wandering & Intentional Holiness

Wandering & Intentional Holiness

Taking responsibility for our life and living intentionally is a tremendous challenge, but it’s the only thing that makes life worth living and embracing that responsibility is the necessary first step to holiness.

Finally Home – Parish Renewal

Finally Home – Parish Renewal

St. John Paul II describes the parish as “the family of God, a … welcoming home.” Do these words have any meaning today? Is the average parish an experience of home? And what does it mean to be a “home” at all?

Radical Holiness – Personal Renewal

Radical Holiness – Personal Renewal

It’s easy to interpret “radical holiness” as something strange and extreme, but nothing is further from the truth. Holiness is “radical” because it touches the deepest parts of who we are.

Hidden Treasures – Seeing Like Christ

Hidden Treasures – Seeing Like Christ

Lessons from a priest who restores brass items from churches around town. “People look and only see the tarnished, but I see what they can be. To me, they are beautiful already.”