Wildfire Groups – In The Upper Room

A community passionately striving for holiness to renew the Church

Inspired by Christifideles Laici, Wildfire Groups are a return to the Upper Room where the Lord rekindles a fire in our hearts and radically transforms our lives.

“Men and women saints have always been the source and origin of renewal in the most difficult circumstances in the Church’s history. Today we have the greatest need of saints whom we must assiduously beg God to raise up.”

St. John Paul II, Christifideles Laici 16

The Upper Room – Key Elements

1. Continual Deepening of the Lay Vocation & Mission:  Understand and live Christ’s call to bring the Gospel to the ends of the Earth, then ongoing discernment and docility to God’s will for me in each moment.

2. Ongoing Transformation in Christ: We rediscover the path to holiness given by Christ and passed on by His Church. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we are continually remade into a new creation in Christ.

3. Growing in the New Commandment of Charity, Source of Communion & Mission: Regularly coming together and growing in authentic human connection through fellowship (shared interest), mutual support, and active apostolate.

Author: Nathan Hadsall

Author: Nathan Hadsall

Nathan was a seminarian for 8 years before discerning the call to lay life, and is now married with 3 kids. He is the CEO for St. Joseph Ministries and a member of Wildfire. His passion in life is supporting Church renewal by helping Catholics—individuals, organizations, and parishes—live the universal call to holiness.

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