Lay Life in a Year

52 Reflections on JPII's vision for the Laity

Week 33: From Cranberry Cookies to the Eucharistic Family

We often hear phrases like “family of God” and “a welcoming home.” But what do these truly look like in our daily lives? What is their deeper meaning?

My grandma ‘s cookies were an acquired taste–cranberries, pecans, and unusual spices. Initially, I didn’t like them at all. Eating them was a silent sacrifice. But over time, something changed—I began to crave her cookies. Now I can’t get enough of them.

How does this relate to being part of a family? Just like I grew to appreciate my grandma’s cookies, being part of a parish family takes time and an open heart.

A parish’s mission is to bind the community together and create a foundational Christian family. It’s not defined by its size, wealth, or location but by its heart—the Eucharist. Little by little, we are invited to share in the life of Jesus in an intimate way.

When a parish truly embraces the Eucharist, it transforms. It stops being just a social club and becomes a family, unified by Jesus Christ’s love and sacrifice on the cross.

Imagine the Eucharist as the heart of our faith. Just as I grew to love my grandma’s cookies, we can grow to understand and cherish the Eucharist. It might require maturity and effort, but this journey brings us into the profound reality of Christ’s ultimate sacrifice—a sacrifice we share and celebrate with our parish family.

Through these small acts of love for Jesus, we draw closer to Jesus and to each other, turning our parish into a genuine, loving family. Let us strive to put the Eucharist at the center of all we do!

If an authentic family is built on the truth of the Eucharist, what is each person called to do? Next week, we delve into what our involvement in the local parish looks like!

Lay Life in a Year Overview

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Week 48 – Will You Go?

As we finish up our journey through John Paul II’s Christifideles Laici, we find all of his insights converging on one essential theme: formation. But why does it all lead here? Because, as JPII reminds us, formation is not just about learning new skills or gaining...

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Week 47 – A Dominican and A Fortune Cookie

In college, I once went to a Chinese restaurant with a Dominican priest.  I was part of a group that brought Catholic speakers to campus, and after one talk, Father graciously joined us for dinner. When the waiter brought out fortune cookies, Father began unwrapping...

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Week 46 – Holiness Found in Work

​​This nation was built by tireless, hardworking people—a spirit of determination we’ve proudly inherited. There’s a lot of goodness in that. But sometimes, without realizing it, this work ethic can lead us to a dangerous trap: believing our worth comes from how much...

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