Lay Life in a Year

52 Reflections on JPII's vision for the Laity

Week 29 : Rotten Apples

A friend of mine tried to plant an apple tree. He got it planted, but when it came time for the apples to blossom, there were hardly any to be found. And the ones that were there were either bitter or rotten.

But the problem was not the apples. It was the soil. The soil wasn’t healthy which meant the roots struggled and THAT is what made the tree fruitless.

There was only one solution—fix the soil and heal the roots.

Our Catholic institutions can be like this apple tree—often struggling with everything from fruitlessness to rot. And, also like the apple tree, the solution can’t be just plucking off the bad apples because the issue has deep roots.

John Paul II tells us that the answer begins with actually taking care of the tree—most importantly its roots and the soil. 

But what exactly does this mean?

Each person in the Church is a tree and the soil and roots that bring about our fruitfulness is the interior life. 

Just like an apple tree in poor soil won’t bear fruit, if we aren’t nourished by regular prayer and the sacraments we have no chance at bearing fruit for God’s Kingdom.This is why Jesus says that it is the one who abides in Him that bears much fruit.

Really, there’s only one solution—enter the vineyard and help each person be as connected to Jesus Christ as possible.

Only then will there be fruit. ​

Lay Life in a Year Overview

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Week 33: From Cranberry Cookies to the Eucharistic Family

We often hear phrases like "family of God" and "a welcoming home." But what do these truly look like in our daily lives? What is their deeper meaning? My grandma ‘s cookies were an acquired taste–cranberries, pecans, and unusual spices. Initially, I didn’t like them...

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Week 32: We are the last line…of space heaters?

Last winter, I set up space heaters in the basement. I go down there every so often and it is just so cold. I was determined to heat up the space. Successfully, with 5 space heaters plugged in, I looked around, content with my work...until the breaker tripped and I...

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Week 31: Polly Pocket Cruise Ship

When my wife was a kid, there was one year when the only thing she wanted for her birthday was a Polly Pocket cruise ship toy. I recently learned this was the single greatest present any 8 year old girl could get circa 2008. Well, a few weeks later a family friend...

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