Lay Life in a Year

52 Reflections on JPII's vision for the Laity

Week 25 : An Urgent Diagnosis

Imagine you go to a routine check up, and your doctor sits you down:

“Look, you need to urgently change some things. In fact, I know you’re already taking some medicine and don’t want to hear this, but as I look at your bloodwork all the fundamental indicators are not good. I’ve put together a program for what you need to change. This isn’t just an encouragement or suggestion. I’ve looked at your test results and the situation is undeniable. I’m insisting with real urgency here. Things have to change.”

As John Paul II looks at the state of the Church, he says just this. In talking about renewal, he even uses the words: “urgent,” “undeniable,” “insisting,” “fundamental.”

The mission of the Church, the role of and fundamental vocation of each lay person is holiness. John Paul says that the desperately needed renewal of holiness in the lives of every man and woman is what exactly Vatican II was about: a renewal in holiness. Parish festivals, activities, events, fundraisers, new buildings, and all the rest are good. But what really matters is holiness.

“It is ever more urgent that today all Christians take up again the way of gospel renewal!”

Holiness is the basic responsibility of every Christian, and a change is necessary for the life of the Church. John Paul, with all the bishops, “insisted on this urgency.” In fact, “urgency” is mentioned 15 times throughout the document.

But how? Again, John Paul is clear:

“Men and women saints have always been the source and origin of renewal in the most difficult circumstances in the Church’s history. Today we have the greatest need of saints whom we must assiduously beg God to raise up.”

Lay Life in a Year Overview

  • Read the original: CFL Introduction, No. 15

  • Last week: Salt and Light

  • This week: Holiness is the Purpose of Life​​

  • Next week: Saints: The Origin of Renewal​

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Week 48 – Will You Go?

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Week 47 – A Dominican and A Fortune Cookie

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Week 46 – Holiness Found in Work

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