Lay Life in a Year

52 Reflections on JPII's vision for the Laity

Week 2: You Too Are Called to Holiness

The Church teaches that everyone is called to holiness. But many of us make the mistake of thinking, “Really the ones who are supposed to be holy are priests and religious. Deep prayer and evangelization—that falls under their job description, not mine.” 

“Maybe” we think, “I can do one of these. Maybe I can be a prayer person or an evangelization person, but certainly not both.

When we turn from our call to holiness or push it away by trying to be just a “prayer person” or an “action person”, then we end up frustrated, idle, and fruitless. 

But Jesus knows all that we are made for and invites us not to settle. So He cries out to us: 

“And going out about the third hour he saw others standing idle in the marketplace; and he said to them, ‘You go into the vineyard.’ ” He says this to “every person who comes into the world” and that includes you. (CFL, No. 2)

He desperately wants you to know Him in personal prayer. He wants you to enter His vineyard and help transform the world by your life. He wants you to live a life filled with both deep contemplative prayer and rich apostolic work. 

You are called to be a contemplative and an apostle. You too are called to holiness.

Lay Life in a Year Overview

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Week 37- A Response to Busyness

In a meeting with my pastor about our parish, he said: “If we don’t fix things, the bishop will close this parish. We have to get more young families engaged.”  Caught off guard and growing in concern, I asked him what activities the parish was currently doing....

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Week 36 – An Unexpected Discovery from 1979

When I was a kid, my dad was obsessed with one particular VHS tape—it was like some secret treasure from the past. He held it out with a grin and said, “Now I’ll show you what basketball is supposed to look like.”  It was the 1979 NCAA championship game—Larry Bird vs....

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Week 35: Answering God’s Call—Even in the Small Things

It was a regular Wednesday—sun shining, birds chirping—and there I was: 15 years old, grumbling as I stood over the lawnmower. Mom had asked me to mow the lawn, and like most teenagers, I dragged my feet. The job seemed pointless and hot, and honestly, I’d rather be...

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