Lay Life in a Year

52 Reflections on JPII's vision for the Laity

Week 19: The Sacrifice of Spilled Cereal

It was a hard morning with the kids. The oldest didn’t listen and spilled his cereal all over the floor. I was upset, but surprisingly, my wife wasn’t. She refilled his bowl, patted him on the head, and then quietly got down on her knees to clean up his mess. It was such a small act of love, but her humble service made me tear up.

My son obliviously munched away. “Thomas,” I said, “you know there were priests in the Old Testament and we have a priest at our parish. But do you know what a priest does?

He offers a sacrifice for other people. In a way, a priest cleans up a mess he didn’t make.

Jesus is the priest that offers the sacrifice of Himself for everyone. Did you know that because we are baptized, we are all supposed to be priests like Jesus too? Look at mamma: she’s cleaning up a mess she didn’t make because she loves you.”

John Paul II talks about the ordained priesthood and the priesthood of all Christians. They are not the same, but they are both a real priesthood. The suffering and sacrifices in our life are not meaningless.

Because we are Christians, even cleaning up a bowl of spilled cereal has so much value. Even if you feel like you have nothing to offer the Church because you are sick in bed or some other limitation, your life matters, because Jesus has made you a priest like Him too.

Lay Life in a Year Overview

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Week 25 : An Urgent Diagnosis

Imagine you go to a routine check up, and your doctor sits you down: “Look, you need to urgently change some things. In fact, I know you’re already taking some medicine and don’t want to hear this, but as I look at your bloodwork all the fundamental indicators are not...

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Week 24 : Salt of the Earth

I didn’t grow up a Catholic, or even a Christian. So when I would hear my Christian friends say things like “that guy is salt of the earth” I never really understood what it meant or where it came from.  But over time, I began to notice something.  These “salt of the...

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Week 23 : Identity and Mission of Lay Christians

Who are you supposed to be and what are you supposed to do? The answer is really the center of the entire document because it has the potential to change everything about our lives. John Paul II does not mince words: You cannot be a Christian and live just like...

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