Lay Life in a Year

52 Reflections on JPII's vision for the Laity

Week 11: The Front Lines of the Church

We have seen that the laity is called to bring Jesus into society. And John Paul II drives home this point by telling us that it is through the lay faithful that the world is introduced to Jesus. We are on the Church’s front lines. 

Each interaction someone has with us might be one of the few chances they have to see the beauty and joy of a life spent following Jesus. We never know when He wants to use us to help lead others into the arms of His Church.

So, how we live our vocation matters. Not so that we can meet some abstract demands, but so that we can love how we were made to love. The decisions we make, the actions we take, the words we speak—all of these can help lead others to Jesus and change their life forever. 

This life on the front lines is a challenging and unpredictable task. Like the disciples sent out two by two, we will be met with resistance, have to shake the dust off our feet, and we will often have nothing to give but Jesus alone. 

Being on the front lines means facing rejection and misunderstanding; it requires courage and vulnerability; it demands faith, hope, and love. But ultimately, it is the adventure that our lives were made for and it is the greatest way we can spend our time on earth.   

Lay Life in a Year Overview

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Week 33: From Cranberry Cookies to the Eucharistic Family

We often hear phrases like "family of God" and "a welcoming home." But what do these truly look like in our daily lives? What is their deeper meaning? My grandma ‘s cookies were an acquired taste–cranberries, pecans, and unusual spices. Initially, I didn’t like them...

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Week 32: We are the last line…of space heaters?

Last winter, I set up space heaters in the basement. I go down there every so often and it is just so cold. I was determined to heat up the space. Successfully, with 5 space heaters plugged in, I looked around, content with my work...until the breaker tripped and I...

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Week 31: Polly Pocket Cruise Ship

When my wife was a kid, there was one year when the only thing she wanted for her birthday was a Polly Pocket cruise ship toy. I recently learned this was the single greatest present any 8 year old girl could get circa 2008. Well, a few weeks later a family friend...

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