Lay Life in a Year

52 Reflections on JPII's vision for the Laity

Week 3: Real Holiness

For thirty years, Jesus grew up in Nazareth living a quiet, ordinary life. But it was an ordinary life of extreme holiness. He learned a trade, helped around the house, and spent time growing in wisdom and favor with God and man (Lk. 2:52).

Jesus didn’t limit holiness to extraordinary things like bilocation, floating, or visions. Instead, He brought holiness into the simple moments of daily life in family and community. He loved in the small, hard things that make up our days.

Our everyday, ordinary lives are filled with invitations to heroic love and extreme sacrifice of charity.

Where is He inviting you? Is it to clean the dishes for your spouse with pure love? Is it to put away the podcasts, TV, and videos, so your heart can be freed from the distractions that keep His voice out? Is it to actually believe that you can be a saint?

Your life does not need to be spectacular for Him to call you to the heights of holiness. You only need the willingness to encounter Jesus every day in mental prayer; the courage to let Him transform your brokenness; and the effort to do His will in your life.

This is real holiness.

Lay Life in a Year Overview

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Week 25 : An Urgent Diagnosis

Imagine you go to a routine check up, and your doctor sits you down: “Look, you need to urgently change some things. In fact, I know you’re already taking some medicine and don’t want to hear this, but as I look at your bloodwork all the fundamental indicators are not...

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Week 24 : Salt of the Earth

I didn’t grow up a Catholic, or even a Christian. So when I would hear my Christian friends say things like “that guy is salt of the earth” I never really understood what it meant or where it came from.  But over time, I began to notice something.  These “salt of the...

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Week 23 : Identity and Mission of Lay Christians

Who are you supposed to be and what are you supposed to do? The answer is really the center of the entire document because it has the potential to change everything about our lives. John Paul II does not mince words: You cannot be a Christian and live just like...

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