Lay Life in a Year

52 Reflections on JPII's vision for the Laity

Week 18: Continuing Christ’s Mission

You may have heard St. Paul’s shocking words: “We make up for what is lacking in the suffering of Christ.” (Col. 1:24) Is he saying Jesus isn’t enough?

It’s a bit like when my 4 year old helps me cook. Well, he feels like he’s helping, but mostly I let him add some ingredients. It always makes a mess, but you should see his face light up. It’s just pure joy.

The thing is, I ask him to help because it’s good for him, not for me.

The work of Jesus Christ was perfect. In fact, that perfect offering was the only way to bridge the infinite gap between God and man. Nothing more is needed or could possibly make it more perfect.

However, God chose to include us in that plan. He doesn’t just allow us to participate. He requires it. As St. Augustine put it, “God who created you without you, will not save you without you.”

It isn’t just make believe. God actually left some of the work undone. That’s why the Church exists. The entire purpose of the Church can be summed up: to continue the mission of Christ as priest, prophet, and king for the salvation of the world.

Wow. That’s a huge responsibility.

So what does that mean for me? Well, everything!

We’ll see that next time.

Lay Life in a Year Overview

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Week 23 : Identity and Mission of Lay Christians

Who are you supposed to be and what are you supposed to do? The answer is really the center of the entire document because it has the potential to change everything about our lives. John Paul II does not mince words: You cannot be a Christian and live just like...

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Week 22 : Responsible for the Church’s Mission

Have you ever told God no?  Moses did. He tried to get out of going to Egypt and came up with all sorts of excuses. Faced with the weight of this responsibility he began to panic: “Who am I?” “What do I tell them?” “Suppose they don’t believe me or listen to me?” “I...

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Week 21 : Kingly Mission

Without a kingdom to rule, the title of “king” is just empty. A king's true identity and purpose are tied to his realm and responsibilities. Since all Christians are called to share in the kingship of Christ, this means that Christians have a real "kingdom" where we...

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