Busy is a Cancer

Busy is a Cancer

How Are You Doing? Busy! When you ask someone “How are you doing?” we often respond, “Oh, good, but busy.” We often speak as if it were a badge of honor. “Yes, very important, very busy.“ The definition of busy is “actively engaged or occupied.” But when someone says,...
Big and Little Discernment – Part 1

Big and Little Discernment – Part 1

Discernment Basics When we talk about discernment, we usually mean taking the time to make a thoughtful decision or judgment. It usually involves a careful evaluation of different factors, looking at all our options, and trying to weigh possible outcomes. We try to...
Catholic Culture

Catholic Culture

Transformation Christianity spread rapidly in its early days primarily through personal conversions. This process was often called repentance (μετάνοια). The Greek means a change of mind and heart. It is the interior change that led to personal transformation in...
The Gospel and a Theology of Kitsch

The Gospel and a Theology of Kitsch

The Gospel most people know is just a tame, domesticated version of the real thing. That Jesus is not demanding or incompatible with their already established hierarchy of values. Christianity can quite comfortably fit in a small box on the shelf, ready to be pulled...
The Grinch, Communists, and Baby Jesus

The Grinch, Communists, and Baby Jesus

Every year I turn into the Grinch. “I must stop Christmas from coming…” till the 25th anyway. Advent has been entirely pushed out by holiday celebrations that start even before Thanksgiving leftovers can be put away. There’s still the chocolate countdown calendar and...
Wandering & Intentional Holiness

Wandering & Intentional Holiness

There’s a point when we grow up, leave childhood, and find ourselves wandering in the desert. We open our eyes and look around. We really see this big world for the first time. It’s full of beauty and goodness, but also ugliness and danger. Some people may be shocked...